Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Cosmopolitan Ice Cream

Didn't we have a lovely time in Espana?
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We air dried a ham, our stomachs were numb
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We ran down a street with a herd of rampaging bulls
The time we spent
So far away
In Espana

Didn't we have a lovely time in Francia?
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We butchered a goose, our feces was loose
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We ran down a street with a bowl of onion soup
The time we spent
So far away
In Francia

Didn't we have a lovely time in America?
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We ate lots of meat, our sphincters were weak
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We walked down a street with a bottle of mountain dew
The time we spent
So far away
In America

Didn't we have a lovely time in Italia?
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We drank lots of wine, our bowels were fine
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We ran down a street with corporate corruption
The time we spent
So far away
In Italia

Didn't we have a lovely time in Canada
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We ate maple trees, our stools were neat
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We ran down a street with a moose and a caribou
The time we spent
So far away
In Canada

Didn't we have a lovely time in Somalia
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We tried to eat, our colons would leak
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We ran down a street with a guns pointed at our backs
The time we spent
So far away
In Somalia

Didn't we have a lovely time in Syria
Didn't we have some lovely fun and games?
We ate some tagine, our intestines were lean
We were never quite sure what the locals were for
We ran down a street with some unpopular local movement
The time we spent
so far away
In Syria

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