Wednesday 11 January 2017

The Good Wife

Lock her in the barn
Lock her in the barn
Shut the door and run away but
Lock her in the barn

Hit her with a rake
Hit her with a rake
In the eyes and on the legs but
Hit her with a rake

Snap her silly spine
Snap her silly spine
Break her back with a hammer smack but
Snap her silly spine

Beat her frowning face
Beat her frowning face
Make her good and make her listen but
Beat her frowning face

Lock her in the loo
Lock her in the loo
Give her lemon bleach to drink but
Lock her in the loo

Hit her with a gun
Hit her with a gun
Do not shoot and do not look but
Hit her with a gun

Snap her silly neck
Snap her silly neck
Use a piece of wire mesh but
Snap her silly neck

Beat her beating heart
Beat her beating heart
Until it stops and starts again but
Beat her beating heart

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